Program for 5-13 Year Olds

A full soccer experience culminates in a “World Cup”

In the 1990s we organized an informal camp at a local park so that our eldest son, Kamani, and his team could continue their soccer training throughout the summer. This attracted the interest of other children and their parents. In 1995 Footfire Summer Soccer Camps officially began with a three week program. In 1999 we added a fourth week, began serving lunch and took a competitive team to Hawaii. Currently we operate at capacity for nine weeks of the summer season.

It’s no wonder soccer is the world's most popular sport! Soccer calls for maximum fitness, sharp awareness and a heroic cooperative spirit. It also happens to be a blast! Play soccer, live soccer, love soccer!

2025 Program

Camper Program: For 5-13 y/o

CIT Program: For 13 yrs and older

Single-week sessions, M-F

Full Day program: 8:45-4:30

CIT Full Day program: 8:15-4:30

Snacks and Lunch Provided


For children 13 and older, explore our Coaches in Training program here.