east bay, California

Summer + Soccer + Friends + Food = Footfire

We follow this formula each camp season to create soccer magic. Footfire is more than a soccer camp, Footfire is a unique summer experience organized around great soccer training with expert coaches. Play soccer, love soccer, live soccer at Footfire.



The Local Soccer Camp That Puts Fun First

Our unique skill-building exercises and games emphasize play over competition, conditioning as a path to minimizing injury, and in-play interaction as an opportunity for gaining social skills. Using soccer as the common language, Footfire aims to build a positive soccer culture through healthy training in its fullest sense.



The family picnic where everyone loves soccer!

For 29 years a remarkable community of soccer campers, counselors-in-training and staff have created the Footfire Soccer Camp experience. Like a sleepaway camp, many of our Footfire campers create friendships rekindled each year. Footfire traditions are in place: campers collect the annual T-shirt, exchange the Footfire friendship bracelet and anticipate water-play afternoons (when the counselors are fair game). The only difference: Footfire campers sleep well at home each night, returning in the morning to Footfire refreshed, inspired and ready to get on the field!


families love footfire

pleasing Siblings Just Got Easier


"This is K. and D.'s father. They were the eight-year-old boy and seven-year-old girl in your camp last week and week number two. I just wanted to thank you for a wonderful experience. Your camp is unequivocally the most fun camp that either of them have ever been to. My daughter in particular has had a very difficult time getting into physical activity and two weeks of Footfire turned her into a fanatical footballer!"
